Download stimuli's Pin Me for V4, WmV4, M4 and Karina Vag mk2

Stimuli's Pin Me for V4, WmV4, M4 and Karina Vag mk2

Male & Female

  • Stimuli's  Pin  Me  for  V4 WmV4, M4 and Karina Vag mk2 
  • Software:    Poser 
  • Compatible:   V4 . M4
  • Install: Individual Product 


This 200 frame looping pose has M4 holding the arms of V4 or WMV4 above her head in a dominting position.
included are embedded morphs for the free Karina Vag for both female figures, the big helpful readme with links to the free items and the feedback questionaire for submitting ideas for future animated poses.

Product Requirements and Compatiblity:

Poser 6+
V4WM (requires Poser 9 or higher)
Karina Vag mk II
Advanced users may have success in Daz Studio

View screen capture
Google Drive 


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